What is Invisalign or clear braces?


What is Invisalign or clear braces?

If you have been considering orthodontic treatment but metal/ceramic braces turn you off, then Invisalign (nearly invisible braces) might be the next best thing. Still interested? Let s know more -

Invisalign are frequently used to correct crowding, misaligned and crooked teeth. It appears like teeth-whitening tray and need to be worn for 18-22 hours daily. It straightens your teeth as normal braces do except its almost invisible. The procedure involves a series of removable aligners that you wear in sequence. Our orthodontist will require the following to create a customized treatment plan -

Patient Extraoral & Intraoral Photographs

Complete examination of your teeth

Supporting X rays

If you are a good fit for the treatment, our orthodontist will create a model to figure out where your teeth ought to move to. Depending on your case, you may need from 6 to 48 aligners for your treatment to be effective. This number varies from person to person. Each of the aligners will move your teeth up to 0.33 mm before you change to the next aligner.You would be expected to change aligners every week or in two weeks. For optimal results, you need to fully commit to the customized plan and wear your aligners the way your orthodontist suggests (minimum 22 hours each day). The good news is that you can remove them for short periods like during eating or drinking & definitely while brushing.

How long is the treatment?

Length of the treatment depends on complexity. Simple cases can be treated within six months whereascomplicated cases will take more than two years.Invisalign will show remarkable difference within few weeks of usage.Users might feel mild tenderness on wearing for the first time, this is entirely normal. It will feelunnatural, but one should remain committed to wearing trays for the required amount of time. After only few days the soreness will subside, and one will get used to wearing aligners.

Thinking about Invisalign assessment? - Request an appointment at Bhushan Dental Clinic at (0651) 356-8501, 8007730263 for an appointment with Dr. Prem Bhushan.